Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Superiority Thing

The competition that I was discussing in my last post seems to me to be just another aspect of a problem with many other appearances.

There has been a relatively common understanding that racism is a strategy, and attempt, by a person to feel better about himself by putting down other people on some meretricious group basis like skin color. A first sign that a person doesn't feel very good about himself is if he's always trying to denigrate others.

I was reading a comment last night by a lady who, to the external eye, seemed quite respectable but who was asserting that President Obama “loves” abortions. I've heard the same assertion by Rush Limbaugh that certain political leaders “Never saw an abortion they didn't like.”

Now, the assertion is obviously untrue and there is no instance of anyone ever saying that they “love abortions.” If it is for polemical success, it won't work because it is clearly untrue. So where does it come from? From where does the assertion come that someone “loves” abortions?

From within themselves, of course. The assertion that others “love” abortions is very useful to me, to us, because it is proof of my, our, superiority. I may not feel very good about myself, but, by God, I am holier than they are. I am for life, and they are for death. What better proof that I am not inferior to them? Thank God.

I was talking recently with a lady in Alabama who really didn't have all that much going for her, but on this issue of abortion, she clearly felt her superiority. It was quite striking, and her pastor was with her on it. Thank God for abortions, for otherwise we wouldn't have very much.

This ploy is made easier by the fact that the enemies, the inferiors, in this case are primarily poor and young and defenseless women who are, after all, having SEX!

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