Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Worse than The Plague

One of the things I like most about dreams of the night is that they do not back off from reality. If they see that something is wrong, they say it, acknowledge it, and keep after us, repeating the message constantly from different angles, until we admit the truth.

The backing off from the truth has always seemed to me to be like having other gods before us, a violation of the very first commandment, or a form of the first of the seven deadly sins, Pride. I immediately think of C. S. Lewis’s statement that there are those who say to God “Thy will be done” and there are those to whom God says, “OK, we’ll do it your way.”

It may be, however, that dreams stop speaking if there is absolutely no chance that we will ever admit what they are trying to tell us. But I don’t know this as a fact. Dreams do seem to be economical despite a common view that they are senseless, purposeless epiphenomena.

Another aspect of dreams which particularly fascinates me is their connection to the paranormal things like telepathy, remote viewing, foresight, healing, communication with people who have “died” and other spiritual forms such as angels.

I simply can not imagine life without honoring dreams as the most important truth-speakers in my life – I can’t even imagine not paying any attention to my dreams – and yet I know, despite all those who have written about them, that I have personally not met more than three people during my whole seventy-eight years who have the remotest clue of what they are missing. They are simply scornful if you bring up the subject.

I consider this to be a far worse loss for us all than the current Coronavirus plague.