Sunday, August 2, 2020

A Caution for The Kindly, Particularly the Elderly

You may have noticed recently that a tenant decapitated an older gentleman, a nice guy, in Hartford, Connecticut, who was renting a room to him, and wanted to evict the tenant because he was not paying his rent.

                                                Victor King - Beheaded by Tenant

    The victim’s cousin Jim Banks told the Hartford Courant King “was one of the good guys. One that would never hurt a soul. One that would always reach out and help others. He was pleasant as can be. Always seemed to be happy. He was just a joy to be around.” - Buzzfeed News

I had a similar experience last month, only I wasn’t actually decapitated, just figuratively. I allowed a young couple, with two five-year-old boys, to stay in my home, because they said they were new to the city, had no place to live, and needed a couple weeks to get on their feet, get jobs, and a place to stay. It was a long story, with virtue-signaling and expectations of government windfall payments, etc., - all of it fantasies, as I look back on it.

They stayed here three weeks, then called the cops on me when I asked them to leave and said “We have rights” - their exact words.

I was outraged because I had done everything I could to help these young people and their two children – I’d given them a place to say, encouragement, trust, money, rides to the market and such, and was shocked to discover that they would take over my house, refuse to leave, and much more, even bring in a Pit-bull dog to stay.

I asked one of the cops who came if she had ever heard of such a thing – an elderly person allowing a young family to stay in his house, doing every single thing he could to help them in their hour of need, and then having them turn on him, making him a captive in his own house, and refusing to leave.

Her answer was - “It happens all the time” - said with a scowl, and obvious pain.

That’s why I have written this post. “It happens all the time,” so there are other elderly (I am 79) people out there who could be prevented from making the same mistake I made. A caution is timely, being that there are to be more homeless people around in the coming months, due to the ending of certain unemployment benefits, the ending of the moratorium on evictions, and the economic decline.

Yes, I didn’t get decapitated, but I went through hell, because I wasn’t aware of certain realities, some of which are as follows:

1. There are a lot of poor, desperate people around who are living on the edge and who will do desperate things.

2. We have had about two generations now of young people being born into the acceptance of Gingrich-Reagan-Ayn Rand-Milton Friedman-Alan Greenspan-Super Rich CEO's -Greed is Good “Republicans” and their goers-along and enablers. The young couple who took over my home did so because it was perfectly in line with all that. There were no scruples whatever, no shame, nothing like that – just sheer pursuit of one’s own advantage. I was elderly, vulnerable, helpful to others, decent - and their attitude wasn’t even “sorry about that.” Their attitude was nothing even close to “Sorry about that.” It was contempt and murderous hatred. They also thought that I was rich because I have a home, even though I actually am at about zero on the bottom line.

3. To the pure-in-heart, all things are pure. But in fact, one of every three people you see around you in the USA is a Trumpist. They are unshakably convinced that his malice and insanity are good. If you are decent, vulnerable and kind, it calls out a response in such people who are not like you that is, basically, murderous.

4. Finally – although I hope you can add more realities in the comments – There are many well-meaning Democrats who incautiously or naively advocate rent strikes and moratoria on evictions without due consideration for those of us who actually take in the desperate homeless.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Worse than The Plague

One of the things I like most about dreams of the night is that they do not back off from reality. If they see that something is wrong, they say it, acknowledge it, and keep after us, repeating the message constantly from different angles, until we admit the truth.

The backing off from the truth has always seemed to me to be like having other gods before us, a violation of the very first commandment, or a form of the first of the seven deadly sins, Pride. I immediately think of C. S. Lewis’s statement that there are those who say to God “Thy will be done” and there are those to whom God says, “OK, we’ll do it your way.”

It may be, however, that dreams stop speaking if there is absolutely no chance that we will ever admit what they are trying to tell us. But I don’t know this as a fact. Dreams do seem to be economical despite a common view that they are senseless, purposeless epiphenomena.

Another aspect of dreams which particularly fascinates me is their connection to the paranormal things like telepathy, remote viewing, foresight, healing, communication with people who have “died” and other spiritual forms such as angels.

I simply can not imagine life without honoring dreams as the most important truth-speakers in my life – I can’t even imagine not paying any attention to my dreams – and yet I know, despite all those who have written about them, that I have personally not met more than three people during my whole seventy-eight years who have the remotest clue of what they are missing. They are simply scornful if you bring up the subject.

I consider this to be a far worse loss for us all than the current Coronavirus plague.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Reading about Death Experiences

The books which have excited me the most recently are in the area of “death experiences” - reports of people who cross over, and then return and tell about it. There are also now many of these reports on YouTube which are spoken by the actual experiencers, giving them an added credibility and import.

The following example is especially helpful because it contains a “distressing” observation of hell. Most NDE accounts do not include that, and I am grateful for, and fascinated by, the literature being written to remedy that lack.

I have personally had a glimpse into the abyss, and have witnessed a psychic attack, and think that the old saying that “The devil’s most dangerous trick is the lie that he doesn’t exist” is probably true. I think it’s fair and helpful to admit that it exists, but also think it’s not something that we can handle with just our own human powers.

I find that these videos carry far more meaning to me than the many attempts to be “scientific” about the experiences, devising variable-correlation experiments to arrive at statistics for prediction and control.

The interest of the ancient Egyptians in the subject is familiar to all of us, but dealing with the problem of death has obviously confronted every human being who ever lived.

I keep coming back to Emanuel Swedenborg, whom I’ve been reading for fifty years, as ultimately being the most helpful in my own attempts to deal with it. I think his “memorable relations” of his talks and experiences with spirits and angels are interesting and true, but the fact that he integrates these experiences with such a large philosophy is what helps me most.

Here is one page from Swedenborg: Life and Teaching, by George Trobridge, 1907, 1933, about the acceptance of his writings: